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Bathroom Mortice Tubular Deadbolt

Bathroom Mortice Tubular Deadbolt

Bathroom Mortice Tubular DeadboltBathroom Mortice Tubular DeadboltBathroom Mortice Tubular Deadbolt

Bathroom Mortice Tubular Deadbolt

Ref: BBM120

  • Description: Tubular deadbolts act just like mortice deadlocks but are usually operated by a Turn & Release instead of a key. These bolts have a nice smooth quarter turn action and are usually fitted below the door knob on bathroom doors in period properties. The tubular construction means they can be relatively easily fitted to most doors at least 35mm thick.
  • Base metal: Steel construction with brass bolt.
  • Finish: Supplied with both electro brass and brushed stainless steel faceplate and keeper.
  • Fixings: Supplied with fixing screws.
  • Sizes: 60 x 25mm faceplate, 5mm square follower, 22 x 15mm tubular cross section (to suit a 25mm drill bit), available in 5 lengths.
  • Availability: In stock.

Please choose...
45 / 64mm, £7.90
57 / 77mm, £8.00
60 / 83mm UK made £19.90
82 / 103mm, £10.10
100 / 127 mm UK made £31.70
108 / 129mm, £10.90
130 / 152mm UK made £31.70

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