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Weeks' Sash Stop

Weeks' Patent Sash Stop

Brass Weeks' Patent Sash StopPolished Brass
Satin Chrome Weeks' Patent Sash StopWeeks' Patent Sash Stop Diagram
Polished Chrome

Weeks' Patent Sash Stop

Ref: WSF666

  • Description:Traditional sash stop fitted to top sash to restrict the amount of opening. It is usually positioned a few cms above the meeting rail to allow for ventilation. It can be retracted to allow the top and bottom sash to pass each other for full opening. Shown here retracted (left) and engaged (right).
  • Base metal: Cast brass.
  • Fixings: Supplied with fixing screws.
  • Sizes: 70 x 18mm faceplate ; 19mm projection when engaged ; 29mm total depth.
  • Availability: In stock.

Please choose...
Polished Brass, £12.00
Polished Chrome), £12.00
Satin chrome £12.00